Our Worship Approach
We are a Christ-centered, Law & Gospel, Word & Sacrament, Covenantal, Catechetical, Biblical & Historic, Reformed Church.
Christ-centered: We preach Christ and His work of redemption for us from Genesis to Revelation.
Law & Gospel: We proclaim the Law, which shows us our sin, and the Gospel, which shows us our Savior.
Word & Sacrament: We receive by faith the means of grace Christ has given for our salvation: the Word read, preached, sung, prayed, and made visible in the sacraments of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
Covenantal: We embrace the covenant structure of Scripture as revealed, and culminating in the New Covenant sealed in the blood of Jesus Christ; and we believe that our covenant God deals with us not only individually, but also as families, and corporately as His Church.
Catechetical: We utilize the historic Reformed catechisms as we make disciples by baptizing and teaching men, women, and children everything that Jesus commanded us to observe.
Biblical & Historic: We worship according to the ancient Western liturgy, reformed according to the Scripture.
Reformed: We confess the historic creeds, adhere to the Westminster Standards, appreciate the Three Forms of Unity, and govern the church according to Presbyterian polity.
Church: We assemble as one part of the universal church, appointed by Christ as the means by which His people of all nations would be gathered and grow in grace.